Pray For A Missionary

How important is prayer really? Isn't it just a consolation prize offered by those who don't want to give real money? Missionaries are super Christians! What could my little prayers really accomplish?
Have any of these thoughts ever crossed your mind?
Missionaries are not "super Christians"! Every Kingdom worker is just an ordinary person like you and me. They have fears, doubts, and real struggles with sin in their life.
In addition to not being perfect (gasp!), they go to places where the Gospel is not. That means places where the enemy has a stronghold. Spiritual warfare is a reality for all Christians, but Satan focuses his attacks on those who are doing the most damage to his earthly kingdom, which is generally those spreading the Gospel.
Satan focuses his attacks on those who are doing the most damage to his earthly kingdom.
So, we have a non-super Christian incurring the special attention of the enemy. What do they need to endure that? Prayer! When Christ taught his disciples to pray, He said:
"And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one." Matt 6:13
In Matt 26:41 we read:
“Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.".
In John 17:15 we find:
"My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.".
Even the Apostle Paul asks for prayer in Eph 6:19:
"Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel,"
So prayer is not just a consolation prize! Prayer is what pushes back the enemy and protects God's workers. It is an absolutely vital part of any Kingdom worker's ministry. A missionary simply cannot succeed without prayer! The truth is that your prayers can open doors that no amount of money ever could. Prayer can soften hearts, build relationships, give missionaries the right words to say, and so much more.
The truth is that your prayers can open doors that no amount of money ever could.
But prayer isn't just helpful to the worker, it is a blessing to you as well! Spending time with God in prayer draws us closer to Him, where we can experience His peace and calmness.
Would you commit to just 5 minutes a day to pray for a missionary?
There are a few ways to pray for a Kingdom worker:
- Sign up to receive a weekly notification with a Kingdom worker to pray for.
- Use our search page to find a worker with a ministry you're passionate about or can relate to.
- Follow us on Twitter or Facebook using the hashtag #PrayForAMissionary. We'll pick a new missionary each week that you can pray for.