Partnering Supporters with Kingdom Workers

"The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few" Matthew 9:37

wheat field

"Ergatas" is Greek for "workers"

"Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." —Jesus.

We invite all believers to enjoy the faith-building blessing of supporting at least one laborer. Will you help send God’s workers to His harvest?


Are you a missionary? Create a profile to get started!

Featured Workers

"Ergatas is finding innovative ways to help fund a new generation to serve the Kingdom. Whether you are a missionary raising support, or a believer looking to make a meaningful impact in the world, you need to check out the resources and connections they offer!"

- Dr. Jolene Erlacher, Founder of Leading Tommorrow

... thank you for Ergatas. It's really helped me become unleashed in my giving in what I believe is a most strategic and focused manner, in terms of mission organizations ..., people working with Movements, people focused on Frontier People Groups.

- Anonymous Ergatas Donor


Search for a Kingdom worker based on whatever criteria interests you.
Find missionaries all over the world, no matter their organization.
wheat field


Create a free profile, telling the world about your ministry.
Let future partners find you!
It's free! We don't take any part of donations.
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Collect worker profiles into an easy-to-share, embed-able, landing page!
Perfect for churches, training agencies, mobilizers and more.
Workers can edit their profiles directly, so they are always up-to-date!
Learn more about missionary work, fundraising, how money is used, the biblical basis for giving, and more!

Ergatas For Missionaries


Ergatas For Those Searching


Pray For A Missionary


Worker Profile Views

Workers Prayed For